
Re: More arc simulations

Hi John,
	I have just posted my model the the web as desribed in another post.  If
you or anyone else needs any information or whatever for other such
projects just let me know.  I would me more than happy to help out.  This
is a realatively new area to modeling that I am not familiar with.
However, it sounds very useful for the type of systems we deal with here.


At 10:47 PM 10/15/98 -0500, you wrote:
>Hi Terry, Richard
>I mentioned once before how valuable empirical data is
>in model validation. However, we now have mathematical
>schemas that allow us to build the empirical data into the
>actual model. I suspect, with the use of fuzzy sets, that we
>can intersect the lab work with the existing models into a
>new type of coil model that will behave like the real world
>and have a firm mathematical foundation. I don't think this
>is an easy project, but when I finish this academic term
>in November, if you folks are willing to share existing models
>and empirical data, I will attempt to create the "Fuzzy Coil
>Model" and share the results with all on the list.
>John W. Gudenas, Ph.D.                       Aurora University
>Department Chair of Computer Science and Mathematics
>347 S. Gladstone Ave.                          Aurora, IL  60506