Re: Fw: Arc Impedance Study - Computer Models
Hi Bert,
There were at most two streamers at any time. One was growing
while the other one was being absorbed (appearance). Just as one
streamer finished the second would dart out four to five feet from the
toroid as a solid trunk with no branches like a tube coil streamer.
Then the branches would form outward from the end like a flower
blossoming before the eye. The streamer branches formed slowly
compared to the initial trunk. It sometimes took more than a second
to finish. Like a Lichtenberg ballet the last little streamerlets
filled in the end to give it the appearance of a three dimensional
snowflake on a long pole or a loblolly pinesque quality. Then
immediately a long spike like streamer would form on the other side of
the toroid and the previous streamer would quickly fade. The sound
was like the crack of a quick whip.
I once tried to recreate the effect of the streamer in the lab. I
discharged a Marx erected to 600 kV (Cerected +AD0- 14 nF) into two 10,000
ohm ceramic resisters (20 kOhm total circuit R). This gave an
overdamped waveform (single pulse) with a current peak of around 30
amperes (L +AD0- about 4 uH). The pulse was like an unnaturally super
fast lightning bolt. Rise time of a few nanoseconds, fall time to 50+ACU-
of around 100 us. The appearance was intensly gratifying. An
intensly beautiful tree like discharge. All of the main streamers and
streamerlets were of nearly equal brightness and distinction. The
sound was similar but not as intense. The discharge was 33 inches
long. The surge impedance in this circuit with streamers is about 17
ohms. The energy in the Marx before the discharge was about 2.5 kJ.
-----Original Message-----
From: Tesla List +ADw-tesla+AEA-pupman-dot-com+AD4-
To: tesla+AEA-pupman-dot-com +ADw-tesla+AEA-pupman-dot-com+AD4-
Date: Wednesday, October 14, 1998 12:21 AM
Subject: Re: Fw: Arc Impedance Study - Computer Models
+AD4-Original Poster: Bert Hickman +ADw-bert.hickman+AEA-aquila-dot-com+AD4-
+AD4-Tesla List wrote:
+AD4APg- Original Poster: +ACI-B+ACoAKg-2+ACI-
+AD4APg- In 1998 such a system was demonstrated at the University of
+AD4APg- Maryland Physics lecture hall. The primary consisted of 2 turns of
+AD4APg- 2-0 welding cable wound directly around the secondary at its base
+AD4APg- inches by 27 inches, number 18 magnet wire, 5 inch by 20 inch
+AD4APg- The spark gap consisted of 3 gaps with 3 inch elkonite hemispheres
+AD4APg- about 0.2 inches separation. They were mounted on 4 inch aluminum
+AD4APg- plates for heat dissipation. The capacitance was about 0.1 uF
+AD4APg- red RF capacitors shaped like bricks). The primary power was about
+AD4APg- kilowatts. The secondary spark length was about 7 to 8 feet. The
+AD4APg- sparks were like nothing I have ever seen since.
+AD4APg- Barry
+AD4-In what way(s) were the sparks different??
+AD4--- Bert --