Re: Fw: Arc Impedance Study - Computer Models
To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
Subject: Re: Fw: Arc Impedance Study - Computer Models
From: Terry Fritz <terryf-at-verinet-dot-com>
Date: Mon, 12 Oct 1998 17:23:09 -0600
Approved: terryf-at-verinet-dot-com
In-Reply-To: <18C079856B8-at-directorate.wnp.ac.nz>
At 10:40 AM 10/13/98 +1200, you wrote:
>Hi Terry,
> Reading over this reply of mine doesn't really convey
>what I intended. What I really meant to say was that there is a range
>of L/C charging ratios which work well with simple gaps. If the L/C
>ratio falls below this, extra quench ability appears to be
>proportionally needed. If one starts with NST X and sets the cap size
>for mains resonance, then reducing the cap size below this requires
>more quench ability from the gap.
Hi Malcolm,
Of course, the current through the gap varies with the L/C ratio. No
doubt, with small L values and large C values, the resulting high currents
cause quenching to be more difficult. This is another reason larger
primary inductances may be better in general.