Re: Magnifier Report
Tesla List wrote:
> Original Poster: FutureT-at-aol-dot-com
> All,
> In new work, Lou Balint reports that he obtained a stronger longer
> spark output from his magnifier when he tuned the secondary to 1/2
> wavelength and the extra coil to 1/4 wavelength for a total 3/4
> wavelength for the secondary and extra coil combined. This is
> compared to the usual tune point which tunes to the combined
> secondary-extra coil resonant frequency. The new tune point gave
> about a 10% longer spark.
> He is driving the magnifier at low power using a robust signal generator,
> and he obtains about a 1" output spark. A neon bulb array is used to
> monitor the tuning and any nodes along the coils. Best results are
> obtained when a low voltage/low impedance node is positioned at the
> base of the extra coil.
> Lou has also tried placing a variable tuning capacitor across
> approximately the bottom half of the secondary to assist in correctly
> positioning the low voltage node at the base of the extra coil. This
> tends to help the coil's performance also.
> John Freau
Someone may have already commented on this John, (I haven't read all my mail
yet -sequential processing only). This will not work for any power due to
the HV point in the center of the 1/2 wave driver breaking the system down
when real volts are in evidence. Tesla notes this in his CSN. He is getting
away with it because of his low input sauce.
Richard Hull, TCBOR