Re: BL in TC arcs
>Hi All,
>I might have a solution to the optical illustion effect created when a kink
>moves toward you making it look like Ball lightning. Try putting the
>cammera in a position that look down on the coil from above. This whould
>cure the effect of the kink moving toward you since the observation will be
>above and the kinks seem to move either outward or in a helical pattern.
>Something harder is to put two cameras 90 degrees wrt each other. If you
>can sink them up you can compare if the ball presist on both in simultanius
>frams. This means if it is moving toward one it is moving perpindicular to
>the other, thus eliminating the chance for illusion and another explanation
>is needed.
A much easier way would be to put a mirror at 45 deg. to the camera,
arranged so it occupies half the camera's horizontal field of view, so
you effectively get a split-screen view from two viewpoints - no need
for 2 cameras or synchronisation!