
Re: Cap Experiments and more ?????

Hi Mike and all,

On Tue, 6 Oct 1998, Tesla List wrote:

> Original Poster: "Mike Magnus" <mike-at-gmx-dot-com> 

>  Perhaps there is air trapped between the layers that can't get out, even
> under vacuum. When you pull a vacuum however, these trapped bubbles will
> expand, effectively increasing the spacing and causing the C to drop. Just
> a thought... 

This is true. What about the concept of charging up the new capacitor.

As the E-field propagates, the plates will be attracted together, thus,
there may be the possibility that the field strength could be suffice to
"squeeze" the air out from between the plates.

...As I once read in a document on capacitor construction by Bert Pool
with an annotation from Richard Quick, where running in the capacitor with
a reduced spark gap jars the air bubbles loose. 
>From personal experience, this has become very apparent.

Other methods I've experimented with -
1. heating the capacitor plates, 
2. placing the capacitors onto a vibrating platform, 
3. charging the plates to try and "squeeze" the air out, 
4. and vacuum.

For the capacitors we manufacture, we use various methods for different
types of capacitors.  Typically, all capacitors are vacuumed for long
periods to remove as much moisture and air as possible. However, there are
the pesky air bubbles left behind - usually no bigger than a pin-head! ... 
So, futher pumping, sometimes vibration, and slight heating for yet
another long period actually yields us a pretty good result.

Hope this may help with some construction methods and ideas...


Tesla Technology Australia Pty Ltd