Re: Pole pig TAPS??
Tap changers are used in the transformer to match the correct number of
primary turns to the line voltage. The primary is tapped at various
points at the midpoint, usually in 5% increments. They are usually not
accessible from the outside the tank on small distribution transformers
(although some dual voltage 7200/2400 volt trannys have an external
switch). A typical distribution transformer will have taps for
14,400/13,800/13,200/12,470 volts. You can NOT go out and by a set of
taps and retrofit them. I wouldn't worry too much about the lack of
taps, as the voltage difference they would make in TC operation would be
negligible. Hope this helps!
Tesla List wrote:
> Original Poster: mel wise <mwise44-at-flash-dot-net>
> I recently found a pig for sale. I emailed the guy about a certain
> abbreviation that was in the ad (N.T.). The guy emailed me back and said
> he thinks that the N.T. means no taps. So here's where the questions
> come in. If this transformer doesn't have taps, how much do new taps
> cost and where do you get them? If they cost alot then I will probably
> forget buying it there.
> Stupid question, but what are the taps actually for? What do they do?
> -Chris
Have a good day!
Eric Davidson