BL in TC arcs
I took my video camera and zoomed into the individual air streamers
coming off my 2 kw coil with a burning piece of wood taped to the top of
a 7" tall foil cone. (air streamers now up to 42"). out high above the
burning piece of wood, the streamers seemed to be swirling and
squiggling into corkscrew-type fields. Have you ever seen this happen?
It was very amazing, and I caught it on video tape several times. When
i came home and frame by framed the video, you can clearly see the
formation of a glowing ball usually when there is a "kink" or spiral
squiggle in the arc. This will last a few frames then dissappear. I
will post a picture of it as soon as i get my capture card working. Try
Cabbott Sanders
Salem Oregon
Website: http://members.aol-dot-com/cabbotttt
Phone 503-390-8992
Cel 503-930-9173