
Re: Got two more

In a message dated 10/1/98 8:49:04 PM Central Daylight Time, tesla-at-pupman-dot-com


  I find it very worth while on all my homemade caps.  I use 3 mil poly
sheeting along with plain inkjet/typing paper (approx. 3 mil also).  The paper
is laid in a tray with veggie oil, as mineral oil warps the poly.  After the
paper is saturated, the cap is built.  I prefer flat plate design, poly /
paper / foil..  Many stacks are made, usually 10 and they are all connected in
series to lower the voltage across each individual cap therefor reducing
corona death.
  I believe the added paper "cushions" the poly and foil while separating
possible weak areas in the poly.  Works for me anyway, I have built many of
this design and they are all still in working condition, some a run in over 10
kW systems!  And they are cheap to build above all.

Have fun

Kevin E.

>  Thanks for the multitude of answers to my last questions. Now, I got two 
> more.
>  Here they are:
>  1.) Building poly caps: Would it be sensible (worthwhile) to add a thin 
> layer
>  of paper (like Xerox paper only longer and wider) between each layer of
>  and the next. The paper would really soak up oil und contribute to good
>  insulation. The thickness of the paper shouldn´t reduce the total 
> capacitance
>  too much. The additional thickness will improve flashover characteristic (
> not
>  much, tho).