Continued Problems (fwd)
From: Bert Hickman [SMTP:bert.hickman-at-aquila-dot-com]
Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 1998 6:29 AM
To: Tesla List
Subject: Re: Continued Problems (fwd)
Thanks for the kind words! And, congratulations - it sounds like this is
the first time this coil was actually in "tune" and operated under full
power. From the description of the way the arcs flare out from the
toroid then arch back to the strike ring, it also sounds like you've got
the E-field shaping set up properly. Way to go, Bart!
Now all you need to do is take some pictures to share with us! :^)
-- Bert --
Tesla List wrote:
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Fri, 22 May 1998 07:36:46 -0500
> From: "Barton B. Anderson" <mopar-at-uswest-dot-net>
> To: Tesla List <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>
> Subject: Re: Continued Problems (fwd)
> Bert,
> Thanks for taking the time. I think this is what Malcom was
> indicating on his previous post. I have read many other posts indicating
> the on/off situations regarding the gap, but for some reason, your post
> hit home unlike the others. You presented each gap situation out very
> well. This puts a whole new perspective (for myself) on the operation of
> my own coil. The breakover at the gap is most definately the difference
> between a conventional xfmr and the resonanat xfmrs we build.
> Had a great time tonight. I added another 50 ft of 3/8 tubing to the
> primary today and performed some point to ground test. I started at full
> primary inductance (13 turns) and I got nothing but a sparkgap firing (
> similar to Ed's delema which started this post). I came in a couple turns
> and the coil started operating. I eventually ended up about 1.5 turns
> beyond my previous primary extreme of 7.6 turns. The system appears in
> tune at ~ 9 turns. At this point, I started getting arcs to the garage
> ceiling. The coil is almost on the ground, and I couldnt' decrease it's
> distance to the ceiling any further, so I decided it was a good night in
> MN to set up outside the garage.
> As soon as the sun went down, I fired it up. I tried to push it to it's
> full voltage extreme and was getting some impressive and continuous 5t
> foot arcs and once in a while, arcs beyond this range. One thing I did
> notice was that when the arcs would find the strike ring, it remained for
> an extended amount of time. I didn't expect the arc to remain as long as
> it did, but as I kept attempting to pull full voltage, it hit the strike
> ring and remained there for a significant amount of time (the arc was
> extremely white and heavy). At one point, I tripped my 30A circuit breaker
> (I'm surprised this is the first time a popped it, as I've been running 25
> to 30A variation for some time). Looks like I may need to upgrade to 40's
> to run full voltage. One nice change is that my primary rebuild and
> secondary recoat has elliminated my first firing delema of the arc
> traveling down the seconary winding. When it hits the strike ring, it is
> now flaring out from the toroid and then back into the strike ring,
> completely leaving the secondary unharmed.
> One FUN night in MN, (the applause from neighbors was cool too),
> thanks for the clarification,
> Bart