
Re: 833A tube coils (fwd)

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Date: Wed, 20 May 1998 11:36:40 EDT
From: FutureT <FutureT-at-aol-dot-com>
To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
Subject: Re: 833A tube coils (fwd)

In a message dated 98-05-19 16:27:43 EDT, you write:

<< Hi out there,
> I am busy busy building a tube coil using two 833A tubes. Has anyone out
> there done this and what can I expect. Are there any special
> considerations.
> I also have a three tube coil using 812AW tubes. Gives me a 4"  brush.
> I also have a 4" x 19.5" convensional coils powered by a 12/30 neon
> transformer, gives me 12" sparks. Don't think this is optimum as yet.
> Best wishes and happy sparking
> Pete >>


A 12/30 NST coil can give at least 42" sparks, I can send you the
specs if you'd like (they're in the archives of this list also).  I use
a synchronous rotary spark gap in the design.

The 833A tube is commonly used for VTTC's.  One 833A can give
about 23" sparks, and two can give about 31" sparks.  In one test,
using three (?) of these tubes, I obtained about 42" sparks. The plate of
the 833A tube will run a orange color.  For best results, quite a lot
of plate voltage is needed, at least 4.5kVAC.  Specs for various 833A 
powered tube coils are in the archives also.

Happy sparking to you too,

John Freau