
magnifier vs. classic tc (magnifier modeling)

From:  FutureT [SMTP:FutureT-at-aol-dot-com]
Sent:  Friday, March 20, 1998 10:31 AM
To:  tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
Subject:  Re: magnifier vs. classic tc (magnifier modeling)

Bert, Antonio, Malcolm, all,

I've been re-checking my work on the coupling issue, using 
different equipment to make the measurements, and I'm coming
up with very different results.  It is possible that my posted results
were incorrect.  I won't know until I go through the whole project
over again what's really happening.  I'm now measuring k values
for the driver that are well *below* what they should be for the
observed beat periods, which really doesn't make any sense.
My apologies if the work is invalid.  Hopefully we'll be hearing 
from others who may have done similar tests.

John Freau

In a message dated 98-03-19 03:11:14 EST, you write:

<< John,
 Thanks for presenting a very interesting and informative experiment! The
 1:1 "equivalence" between your classic and magnifier with effective
 "k"'s of 0.18 is extremely interesting and valuable information! Also
 encouraging was the observation that quenching doesn't appear to become
 dramatically more difficult in a tightly-coupled driver as long as you
 have a relatively high inductance ratio. This implies that even static
 gaps may be practical for smaller magnifiers. Somewhat discouraging was
 no apparent performance difference. But again, I must remember that
 there's no free lunch on Chip's list. :^)
 Another piece is beginning to fit into the puzzle... Thanks again for
 sharing some valuable experimental results!
 -- Bert --