
cap explosion & rf-interference

From:  Edward V. Phillips [SMTP:ed-at-alumni.caltech.edu]
Sent:  Monday, March 09, 1998 2:30 PM
To:  tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
Subject:  Re: cap explosion & rf-interference

"Your gap setting sounds way to wide for 10kv. Your secondary has way to
many turns in my opinion, but this would not cause your caps to explode.
So my advice would be to lower your gap setting to around a total of
about .25". You could maybe go up to about .5" but I doubt it.


	For safety set the gap (or the safety gap, if used) so
it just breaks down on the transformer output with no capacitance
loading.  Perhaps a bit conservative, but certainly safe in my\
experience.  I think all of the transformer losses here in the 
past were due to "getting greedy" and opening up the gap too much.
