
Re: Second Light (fwd)

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Date: Thu, 23 Jul 1998 16:18:06 +0900
From: Mark E Finnis <mefinnis-at-medicine.adelaide.edu.au>
To: Tesla List <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>
Subject: Re: Second Light (fwd)

At 22:20 22/07/98 -0600, you wrote:

>Mark, a pictures always worth a thousand words. Nice pics. I'm especially
>interested in your camera's shutter speed. I see you've captured the infamous
>arc waves (anyone know what I'm talking about here? is there a term for
the arc
>showing multi-positions with the same arc formation?).

Exposure varied from 4-6s.  Didn't write down what was what ...... just
took a whole roll & hoped like hell some would turn-out OK ;-)


Mark Finnis
Staff Specialist, Intensive Care Unit
Royal Adelaide Hospital
Ph:  +61 8 82224000   Mbl:  041 2324268