
Return to List

From:  R M Craven [SMTP:craven-at-globalnet.co.uk]
Sent:  Thursday, February 26, 1998 12:27 PM
To:  Tesla List
Subject:  Return to List

I am pleased to rejoin the list after many months ( a year?) of absence.

I finally collected the last two components for my TC, namely a large 40A
variac, and some more pulse caps. I need some data on the caps but they're
at work at present. Judging by the size and construction, they are similar
to the CP devices.

So, I now have:
10kVA 10kV rms transformer
six pulse caps (around 0.05uF each so plenty of scope for series/parallel
a 20 inch by 60 inch HDPE former
3/4 of a mile of 16 swg (0.064 inch/0.71mm) double enamelled Cu wire
lots of soft copper 10mm water pipe
lots of 3 inch 22swg Cu strip
40A variac
a couple of dozen feet of 24 inch diameter corrugated Al flue pipe (toroid)
a 4 pole, 12 segment unfinished RSG

The next batch of work is to complete the coil winding machine I started on
a year ago, and wind up a smaller 12"x40" coil using some 22swg wire.

Then I'll build a pi-section HV filter

Then I'll finish my RSG ( I need to face the s-s elements with tungsten
carbide- thanks to RWS for advice on this) and then start getting all the
mains voltage contactor/interlock/filter wiring sorted out.

So, plenty of work to keep me occupied.

As an aside to normal TC stuff, has anyone observed the effect of placing a
CD-ROM in a microwave oven? If you place it on top of a plastic beaker, you
get an impressive display for half a second when you switch the oven on. The
radial patterns left behind look rather nice, and it's a good way to destroy