Building a monster Tesla coil
From: Jeff W. Parisse [SMTP:jparisse-at-teslacoil-dot-com]
Sent: Wednesday, February 18, 1998 7:08 PM
To: Tesla List
Subject: Re: Building a monster Tesla coil
We all want to help you build that monster coil, however, you
may not realize that the cost, complexities and danger of a Tesla
coil exponentially increases with size. A coil of the size you
describe is unimaginably difficult to construct as a first project
even if you are equipped with a Ph.D. in the brain department.
A properly constructed (read: no cheap plywood, no exposed wire,
commercial caps, machined moving parts, etc.) is gonna cost
thousands of dollars to build. Probably more than ten.
My advice no matter how smart you are, how much time you have,
or how much money you have to spend is to start small and work up.
To paraphrase a saying: If you need plans to build one, you probably
shouldn't start with a fifteen footer.
Jeff W. Parisse, Director
kVA Effects
>Does any body know where I can accuire the plans and construction
>as well as bill of materials ,for building a coil to produce approximatly
>to 15 foot arcs . I have connections in the transformer and capacitor
>rebuilding industry.
>A good Tesla coil design program would also be helpful.
>Frank: desparate in Sand Springs Okla.