
"Slinky" Primary / Sloped Archimedes Spiral Primary Equation

From:  Bert Hickman [SMTP:bert.hickman-at-aquila-dot-com]
Sent:  Friday, August 14, 1998 12:06 AM
To:  Tesla List
Subject:  Re: "Slinky" Primary / Sloped Archimedes Spiral Primary Equation

Tesla List wrote:
> ----------
> From:  Dave Sharpe [SMTP:sccr4us-at-erols-dot-com]
> Sent:  Wednesday, August 12, 1998 9:51 PM
> To:  Chip Atkinson
> Subject:  "Slinky" Primary / Sloped Archimedes Spiral Primary Equation
> Chip, ALL
> A while back, (before the detonation of my HD :^C ) I has saved a copy
> of a post for a sloped "pancake" primary inductance and tubing length
> based on coil ID, OD, spacing and included acute angle from horizontal
> plane.  I've tried searching in archives without success.  If someone
> could privide I would appreciate it greatly.  I'm contemplating building
> a small (450VA/ 15kV,30mA NST) system using a sloped primary where
> the HEIGHT (ie included length) is adjustable while running.  This
> would allow primary tuning, coincidental with coupling increase or
> decrease.  Any help appreciated
> Regards,


Hope this is what you're looking for. Included are Archimedes, helical,
and inverse conical primaries. The helical and Archimedes forms are from
Wheeler, and the inverse conical is a hybrid form that appropriately
weights the vertical and horizontal components of Helical and Archimedes

All dimensions are in inches, and L is in microHenries. While the
Inverse Conical calculation is a little "hairier" than the first two,
it's relatively easy to calculate for any desired angle, especially if
set up in a spreadsheet. 
Case 1: Archimedes Spiral (Flat):

          Let R = Ave Radius  
              N = Number of Turns
              w = Width of Winding            

           |   R    |      N Turns 
      o o o o o o   |   o o o o o o 
      |    W    |   |

     L = (R^2)*(N^2)/(8*R+11*W)   (R^2 = R*R)


Case 2: Helical Primary:

                |<- R ->|
            --  o       |       o
            |   o       |       o
                o       |       o 
            L   o       |       o  N Turns
                o       |       o 
            |   o       |       o
            --  o       |       o

      L = R^2*N^2/(9*R+10*L)  (Vertical Helix)


Case 3: Inverse Conical Primary:

                                    / \  
    --  o                          /    o
     |   o                        /    o
     |    o   N turns            /    o
           o                 Z  /    o
     h      o                  /    o   /
             o                /    o   /
     |        o              /    o   /  Angle = X
     |         o              \  o   /   
    --          o               o    ------------
        |   w   |   R   | 
            |<--  W  -->| 
                 Center | Line

          Z = Coil Width (hypotenuse length)
          X = Angle of Cone
          h = Z*sin(X)  Effective vertical Height
          w = Z*cos(X)  Effective horizontal Width        
          W = R + w/2   Average horizontal Radius

     L1 = W^2*N^2/(9*W+10*h)  (Vertical Inductance Component)

     L2 = W^2*N^2/(8*W+11*w)  (Horizontal Inductance Component)

      L = SQRT[(L1*Sin(X))^2 + (L2*cos(X))^2]  

Safe coilin' to you, Dave! Hope to see you and Richard later this month!

-- Bert --