Re: Rotaries and Neons new question (fwd)
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Date: Sat, 08 Aug 1998 18:57:16 +0930
From: Mark Finnis <mefinnis-at-medicine.adelaide.edu.au>
To: Tesla List <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>
Subject: Re: Rotaries and Neons new question (fwd)
At 20:57 7/08/98 -0600, Gary Lau wrote:
>Consider this contrived example. Maximum charging voltage of the xfmr is
>10KV, 60 Hz. Ignore resonance. RSG is running 240 presentations per
>second (exactly two per half cycle), and gap breakdown voltage at each
>presentation is 7.1KV. If the phasing of the rotor is such that the
>presentations occur at 45, 135, 225, and 315 degrees of each cycle (90
>and 270 being the peaks), the gaps will never fire, since Vcap is
>10KV*sin(45)= 7.07KV at each presentation.
I am probably about to make a complete ass of myself in public here, but....
Why does the V across the cap decline after the half-cycle peak ?
I understand at first presentation we will be under V, but we then go
through Vpeak, which is (assuming no losses) what I would expect the Vcap
to be at the next presentation ?
I would expect from the above example to fire every second presentation,
But then I'm no EE and my theory is as thin as a politicians veil of
honesty ;-)
Some-one clever like to comment on this for me ..... please !
Mark Finnis Hm: 61 8 82895205
Staff Specialist Wk: 61 8 82224000
Intensive Care Unit Fax: 61 8 82236340
Royal Adelaide Hospital Mbl: 041 23242268