And what of the FCC?
From: Greg Leyh[SMTP:lod-at-pacbell-dot-net]
Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 1997 6:56 AM
To: Tesla List
Subject: Re: And what of the FCC?
Richard Hull wrote:
> Finally, no good coil throws out much RF even in the multi-KW class. Tesla
> noted this and I have actually checked it out with VLF receivers in a car.
> The classic one is Nemesis. I operated Nemesis one time at 14KW and had
> Bill Richards of our group on the phone just before firing and had him tune
> around with a navy submarine quad conversion VLF receiver to the exact, and
> harmonic frequencies of Nemesis. He lived 10 miles away. He had a nice
> long wire (200 footer). The tone of the gap would be the dead giveaway. He
> heard- zippo.
That is very good news! How about your immediate neighbors? Have they ever
had any complaints, other than about the large 'buzzsaw' in your woodshed?