Re: Magnetic quenched gaps
To: "Tesla List" <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>
Subject: Re: Magnetic quenched gaps
From: "Dale Hall" <Dale.Hall-at-trw-dot-com>
Date: 23 Sep 1997 19:03:57 -0700
Approved: tesla-at-stic-dot-net
Return-Receipt-To: "Dale Hall" <Dale.Hall-at-qmgate.trw-dot-com>
Reply to: RE>Magnetic quenched gaps
Has anyone experimented with rotary gap electrode Geometry vs Quench ?
Could electrode geometry be designed such that extinction is naturally encouraged to ocurr after the first node -- make them longer (to retain xsectArea for current and heat) and thin to present conductor for a short arc time at optimum cycle times ? (or perhaps in conjunction with air/magnetic quenching?)
A thought from Dale.
Date: 9/23/97 5:33 PM
To: Dale Hall
From: Tesla List
From: randy-at-gte-dot-net[SMTP:randy-at-gte-dot-net]
Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 1997 9:17 PM
To: Tesla List
Subject: Re: Magnetic quenched gaps
Tesla List wrote:
> From: Greg Leyh[SMTP:lod-at-pacbell-dot-net]
> Sent: Monday, September 22, 1997 5:35 PM
> To: Tesla List
> Subject: Re: FW: Magnetic quenched gaps
> David Huffman wrote:
> > I have a question/problem with magnetic quenching. I can see how the
> > magnetic field can divert the arc in the gap and will cause it to
> > extinguish sooner then it would without the magnet. During the time
> > when the energy is mostly in the secondary (notch) and the gap is
> > filled with ions with relatively little movement, the magnetic field
> > applies very little force (F = qvB) on the stuff you want to remove
> > from the gap. It would seem that an air blast would work as good or
> > better since to be effective the field needs to be very large.
> The air blast definitely needs to be supersonic, if it is to displace
> the entire gap volume in the 10's of microseconds allotted.
> But such a blast is a double-edged sword, as it will drastically affect
> the high current period of the arc, which should not be disturbed.
> I suppose it's a matter of whether the gap needs so much help quenching
> that it's worth it to reduce the gap performance somewhat.
> -GL
Hmmm.."what if" a synchroized motor driving a piston compressor?
I guess the inertial lag of the air column would prevent it
accellerating supersonic......or would the motor need to be
extremely large to stay synchronous with such a load? Just food for
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Subject: Magnetic quenched gaps
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