

From: 	Malcolm Watts[SMTP:MALCOLM-at-directorate.wnp.ac.nz]
Sent: 	Sunday, September 21, 1997 6:17 PM
To: 	tesla-at-pupman-dot-com

Hi Mark,

> >From:  Mark S. Rzeszotarski, Ph.D.[SMTP:msr7-at-po.cwru.edu]
> >Sent:  Friday, September 19, 1997 2:16 AM
> >To:    Tesla List
> >
> >Hello All,
> >        I couldn't resist chiming in on this one.  One must accept a model
> >for what it can do.  Generally, it can predict what it was told to do quite
> >faithfully.  The fundamental flaw is that we want to extrapolate and
> >interpret these results as all meaningfull.  I see the same thing frequently
> >in the medical literature.  Some clown does a scientific study of some new
> >drug or diagnostic test and fails to control most of the variables of the
> >experiment.  They then proceed to draw conclusions from their experiment
> >that could not be measured or predicted by the experiment they conducted.
> >If you are interested in looking at a few examples and methods for achieving
> >this end, take a look at:
> >http://www.junkscience-dot-com/sws.html
> >        Models can be very useful and have saved me hundreds of hours in the
> >lab.  By building a few coils to verify a simulation, I can gain experience
> >and understanding as to whether the model is sufficient or not.
> >        Finally, if you want to know the optimal H/D for a 6 inch coil, I
> >need to know what top capacitance you expect to operate the coil with.  Then
> >I can tell you what wire gauge and the H/D necessary to satisfy the
> >constraints of my program.  This is NOT to say that the coil will be an
> >optimal performer.
> >Regards,
> >Mark S. Rzeszotarski, Ph.D.

I would be interested if you did a run on a 6.6" coil, Hs about 21" 
with a topload of 7pF. On what basis are you choosing the wire size?
