
Re: What size TC to start with?

From: 	Rick Holland[SMTP:rickh-at-ghg-dot-net]
Sent: 	Monday, September 15, 1997 2:46 AM
To: 	Tesla List
Subject: 	Re: What size TC to start with?

Tesla List wrote:
> Now that you experienced TC builders know what I'm trying to do, do you
> have any suggestions about what size of TC I should start with?
> Thanks,
> Lee Roth - N8JQY
> webwise-at-johnstown-dot-net

Go to http:/www.pupman-dot-com and peruse the entire site, including the
archives. There is a plethora of advise/experience there to have for the
taking. Have fun and be safe.


    Rick Holland

    The Answer is 42