
Re: Hello All

From: 	Thornton, Russ #CSR2000[SMTP:ThorntoR-at-rc.pafb.af.mil]
Sent: 	Monday, September 15, 1997 1:14 PM
To: 	'Tesla discussion Group'
Subject: 	RE: Hello All

Now I have a real appreciation for the delay in receiving your video
tape, Richard.

It was definitely a sad situation and I am glad that it is over for you.
I share in everyone's sentiments that we are glad you are back as a
valuable contributor to the group.  

I have really enjoyed the video.  Thanks, it was worth the wait.  But
please, wear shoes.  ;-))

Sometimes serious,

Russ Thornton
CSR 2040, 
Building 989, Rm.  A1-N20
Phone: (407) 494-6430 
Email: thorntor-at-rs.pafb.af.mil