
RE- Re: Tesla Coil Document Now Available

From: 	Robert Michaels[SMTP:robert.michaels-at-online.sme-dot-org]
Sent: 	Thursday, August 14, 1997 3:07 AM
To: 	tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
Subject: 	RE- Re: Tesla Coil Document Now Available

        I downloaded the file right after reading of its availability.

        Other than being a tad surprised (several tads, actually)
        that it was such a big mother [ <---- highly technical 'Net
        terminology], it came over smooth as the scum on a
        Louisiana swamp.

        I should say I did this from a UNIX Shell account, using
        "Lynx" (a text-based browser).
                  I'm not much into high-intensity bit-mapped
                  graphics (porno- or otherwise), nor either
                  sitting around twiddling my thumbs (or any
                  other part of me) while each individual pixel
                  downloads and is processed for display.

                                - - - - - - -

        Thanks for sharing, Geoff.

                                              Got the picture, in
                                              --- Detroit, USA

                                              Robert Michaels

TL>From:  Geoffrey Schecht[SMTP:geoffs-at-onr-dot-com]
TL>Sent:  Saturday, September 13, 1997 11:04 AM

TL>> From:  DamDeName-at-aol-dot-com[SMTP:DamDeName-at-aol-dot-com]
TL>> Sent:  Friday, September 12, 1997 6:53 AM
TL>>     I've tried ,in vain, to get the pdf format tesla doc.
TL>>        All i get (readable) is the first page --- with the
TL>> message that the reader has unrecognizable characters "<<"
TL>> help ??
TL>> thanks,
TL>>                 Sandy
TL>Hi Sandy;

TL>I posted that PDF file and then immediately downloaded it with Netscape
TL>from my webpage and read it back with Acrobat Reader 3.0 for Win95 as a
TL>sanity check. It read back on my computer ok. I don't know what version of
TL>Acrobat you're using...you might need to get the latest version from
TL>www.adobe-dot-com. I think that would be V 3.0.

TL>Let me download it again and check it with an older version of Acrobat that
TL>I have.

TL>Anybody else have any problems?
