
Capacitors at auction

From: 	Thornton, Russ #CSR2000[SMTP:ThorntoR-at-rc.pafb.af.mil]
Sent: 	Friday, September 12, 1997 8:19 AM
To: 	'Tesla discussion Group'
Subject: 	Capacitors at auction

Hi all,

There is going to be an auction next Tuesday here on base and I noticed
while viewing the lots that there is a pallet of 5 large capacitors.
They look identical but the only one I checked was rated at 0.0485uf  at
35kv.  They are about 4" thick by 12" deep and 16" high.  This is
eyeballing.  I did not have a pen so I did not get any other info like
manufacturer or part number.  They are not new and there is no idea of
the electrical condition.

My question is this.  At the present time I have no requirement for
these but thought someone else might.  I have no idea what they are
worth $ wise.   So I don't know how to bid.  If someone is interested I
will be happy to be the go between and help someone out but I can't
afford to loose money on the deal.  If need be I can go by Monday and
get more label info but still no way to check the capacitance.

If anyone is interested let me know.

Russ Thornton
CSR 2040, 
Building 989, Rm.  A1-N20
Phone: (407) 494-6430 
Email: thorntor-at-rs.pafb.af.mil