
Transformer Failure

From: 	Kevin Radtke[SMTP:umradtke-at-cc.UManitoba.CA]
Sent: 	Thursday, October 30, 1997 5:34 AM
To: 	Tesla List
Subject: 	Transformer Failure

Hi All,
	OK I've got a question for you guys and I hope you can help as I 
am stumped.  I recently (successfully) modified a 1725 rpm motor to run 
sync (with the help of this list, thank you!)and I set it up so I would be 
running my rotary gap at 120 pps.  I observed that by rotating the opposing 
points over 90' I would go from getting no sparks to a maximum and back to
none.  Fine.  The problem is when I had it adjusted for the maximum I would
get some serious arcing across the terminals of my Transformer (it is a 10kV 
20mA oil furnace ignition transformer with two HV terminals on top 1" apart) 
Anyways the entire performance of the coil was drastically reduced and 
the new rotary gap smoked my trannie. Ouch.  I do have a safety gap in 
parallel with some chokes as protection, but I will admit that I kept 
adjusting the gap (making it bigger) in hopes of improving the coils 
output.  There were basically three scenerios that I observed.

For all rotary gap adjustments the gap spacing was approx 1/8"
1/16" x 2

1) Rotary gap adjusted so that the cap was humming but otherwise nothing 
else going on.  

2) Rotary gap adjusted so that all the arcing was taking place at the 
rotary gap.  Safety gap not firing.  The coils output at this point was 
about 6" off a point (I still don't have a torroid) where previoulsy with 
a rotary gap running off a small DC motor with 12 points (I have no idea 
what kind of pps) it was around 16" With a single static gap output was 
around 12".

3) Rotary gap adjusted so that there was "small" but steady arcing going 
on at the rotary gap but very loudd heavy arcing across the safety gap. 
Spacing about 3/4" to 1"  This was made bigger until I eventually blew my 

Any suggestions?  I know that its my own damn fault I blew the trannie, 
but I was impatient to try the new sync gap and I was dissapointed by the 
results. (Happens occaisionally).  Thankfully the trannie only cost me 
$25.  But I don't want to blow anymore of them.  Thanks in advance.
