Re: 100 meter sparks (picture of GE machines!)
From: Greg Leyh[SMTP:lod-at-pacbell-dot-net]
Sent: Thursday, October 30, 1997 4:21 AM
To: Tesla List
Subject: Re: 100 meter sparks (picture of GE machines!)
Jim Lux wrote:
> > Wow, cool pics!! Looks like a Colcroft-Walton arrangement, but...
> > what would they have used for rectifiers? Cold cathode tubes?
> > Do you have any specs or info as to the theory of operation?
> > -GL
> I am going to guess that it was two Marx banks. 5 MV with 250 kV/stage
> would be 20 stages. The diagonal braces are probably the charging/feed
> forward resistors, the caps are in the round towers.
At first I thought it was a Marx bank as well, but the staggered height
of the cylinders would seem to suggest otherwise. The absence of the
obligatory series Marx bank spark gaps is yet another clue.
Could it be a 120Hz rep rate Marx bank, with the gaps inside the