
Re: Where do I find POLYETHYLENE 30-60mil thick, for caps?

From: 	Esondrmn-at-aol-dot-com[SMTP:Esondrmn-at-aol-dot-com]
Sent: 	Monday, October 27, 1997 11:00 AM
To: 	tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
Subject: 	Re: Where do I find POLYETHYLENE 30-60mil thick, for caps?

In a message dated 97-10-26 23:54:04 EST, you write:

<< I went to Home Depot today, to search for materials to make the Burt Pool 
 type caps, and polyethylene sheets, as described, were not available.  
 Where should I go for these 4x8x30mil sheets.  I am thinking of using 
 30mil (if avail) three layers deep, for a total of 90mil.  My coil will 
 be fed with 12-15kV from parallel'd neons or a pig.
 Also unavailable was the thin non-sch40 PVC tubing 6" in dia.  I must 
 keep looking for that.
 Last item: Mineral oil.  I estimate needing about 5gal for all three 
 caps.  I need a source for the pure stuff in the Boston area.  Any 
 suggestions on what *type* of place I need to look? Is there a 
 'materials' FAQ for this group? I just signed on, and did not receive any 
 FAQs- its unusual for a listserv to not send one as the first message.
 Thanks in advance,

Call several plastics distributors out of the phone book and get quotes.
 Most of them do not stock it but can order it for you.

I bought my 6.0" pvc from a plumbing supply store.

I bought 5 gallons of mineral oil from the local Chevron oil distributor.
 Tell them you need transformer oil and they should be able to recommend

Ed Sonderman