
Re: Thyratron pair (was DC Drive)

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Date: Tue, 14 Oct 1997 09:46:34 +1200
From: Malcolm Watts <MALCOLM-at-directorate.wnp.ac.nz>
To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
Subject: Re: Thyratron pair (was DC Drive)   

Hello Richard,

> From: Richard Wayne Wall <rwall-at-ix-dot-netcom-dot-com>
> To: Tesla List <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>
> Subject: Re: Thyratron pair (was DC Drive)  
> Malcolm wrote: 
> snip
> >> Think about Dr. R's version of the extra coil where he has 
> >> eliminated the driver secondary altogether and drives the extra coil 
> >> from the >> primary alone.  The reason this works is that there is 
> >> fast rise time and the the required extra coil wave content is  
> >> available.  RWW
> >> 
> >> As we become more familiar with these driving techniques, we will 
> >> eventually be able to elminate the primary/secondary driver 
> >> altogether and directly drive the resonator electronically.  RWW
> >
> >I should point out that this is essentially CW drive and that this 
> >has all been done before. Duane Bylund published a CW fed mag 
> >some time ago using a 1/2 bridge driver. The real trick would be to 
> >get power disruptively into a single resonator. I don't think it can 
> >be done without using at least one other coil but I could be wrong.
> >I would regard a tap on the resonator as equivalent to using a second 
> >coil.
> >
> >Malcolm
> Malcolm, 
> I specified in my post that the driver is not continuous wave, but fast 
> rising pulses with information content (read harmonics) and relatively 
> long periods of quiessence between pulses.  The vacuum tubes or IGBTs  
> are driven electronically and not by feed back from the resonator.

The pulse can only rise as fast as the LpCp surge impedance can allow 
it to can't it?
