Re: R.I.P. one 14kV pole pig!
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Date: Wed, 8 Oct 1997 11:26:28 -0400 (EDT)
From: Esondrmn-at-aol-dot-com
To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
Subject: Re: R.I.P. one 14kV pole pig!
In a message dated 97-10-07 00:30:14 EDT, you write:
-- snip --
>I have a new design to try out to fix the downward strikes - once I get the
>damn thing running again. I tested this idea on my small 3" coil and it
>works well. I have a 5 x 40" toroid mounted on the secondary. On top of
>this I place a cylinder 18" tall and maybe 24" in diameter made of aluminum
>flashing rivited together at the ends. On top of this sits a 5 x 33"
> All the discharges should leave from the top toroid and not be able to or
>want to go down toward the primary. I'll let you know how this works,
>someday soon I hope.
I will be interested in hearing how that works! Good luck with your coil's
Charles >>
I tried this last night when I had the "best" primary set up and was getting
57" sparks from the 40" toroid. I arbitrarily moved the primary tap up one
turn and added the large cylinder spacer and the top toroid. I did not have
enough voltage to cause breakout on the toroids. I ran the variac all the
way up and waited a second or two, it was sounding like something wanted to
blow so I shut it down. I guess this test will have to wait until I am
processing more power.
Ed Sonderman