
130kW Coil Update

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Date: Fri, 03 Oct 1997 15:26:56 +0000
From: Greg Leyh <lod-at-pacbell-dot-net>
To: Tesla List <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>
Subject: 130kW Coil Update

Hi All,

Here's where things are at right now:

Parts are starting to arrive from various sources, and the shop
is getting quite cluttered.  The base vault and I-Beam supports
are finished, as well as the fiberglass work on the sec coilform.

500 lbs of waterjet-cut 304 stainless steel pieces are awaiting 
assembly to form the top electrode.

The control system, HVDC 3PH supply and primary drive coil are
all in various stages of completion.

At this point, I anticipate erecting the main tower and top electrode
during the first week of Nov.  The overall height of the finished
coil structure will be 37 feet, 2 in.

Measurements, power ramp-up, and lifetime testing will take place 
at the Navy Shipyard during all of Nov, and early Dec.
We will begin disassembly and crating of the coil on Dec 7, and 
by the 15th it should be on its way to its final home.  This schedule
has some potential for slippage, of course.

So if you find yourself in the San Francisco area during this time,
please feel welcome to stop by for the nickel tour, and a bit of ozone.