Re: Which oils..Capacitor oils
From: Alfred A. Skrocki[SMTP:alfred.skrocki-at-cybernetworking-dot-com]
Sent: Thursday, November 27, 1997 10:42 AM
To: Tesla List
Subject: Re: Which oils..Capacitor oils
On Wednesday, November 26, 1997 1:24 PM Matthew Mills
[SMTP:megavolt-at-usa-dot-net] wrote;
> Hi, (again)
> Im wanting to know what oil to use (Im in New Zealand not America)...
You may want to try and get samples (say about 1 liter) of refrigeration
compressor oils, some of them have superior dielectric characteristics than
any of the transformer oils. Since refrigeration compressor oils are not
normaly sold for their electrical characteristics you will have to make a
test capacitor with say two plates fixed a set distance appart and try
using the different oils and measure the resultant capacitance and then
calculate the dielectric constant of each oil. Here in the states there is
a refrigeration compressor oil I think the name of it is Sunsil and it's
dielectric constant is a bit over 5 while it's dielectric strength is
about the same as mineral oil and all of us who have used it in their
polyethylene/aluminum foil capacitors were quite surprised to see double
the capacitance over that yielded with mineral oil! BTW if you do manage to
get samples and measure their dielectric constant publish the results to
the list. If you want to measure the dielectric strength of the oils you
will have to make a test chamber containing two small spheres a set
distance appart and build an adjustable power supply such that you can keep
increasing the test voltage until breakdown occurs and then note the
voltage and divide it by the distance between the two spheres to yield the
typical volts per mill (.001 inch) rating.
\\ ~ ~ //
( -at- -at- )
Alfred A. Skrocki
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