
New Kid on the block.

From: 	G. Rollins[SMTP:trig-at-ptw-dot-com]
Sent: 	Thursday, November 27, 1997 7:49 PM
To: 	'Tesla List'
Subject: 	New Kid on the block.

>Date: Sun, 27 Nov 1994 10:20:34
>To: "'Tesla List'" <tesla-at-poodle.pupman-dot-com>
>From: Steven McClane <trig-at-ptw-dot-com>
>Subject: New Kid on the block.
>Hello All,
>    My name is Greg I'm new to this list. So be "merciful."   There was a
question raised by Robert concerning the T coil from "Information Unlimited." 
>>"I was wondering if any of you ever tried the BTC3(I think) kit from
>> Information Unlimited?  I heard that it produces good results.  I plan on
>> making one from scratch, once I see how its done since I can't get any
>> solid info.
>>Even though I never built Information Unlimited's BTC3, I have looked over
>>the plains and they are poor at best! You would do much better looking
>>through the list's FTP site at;    Boy is this an UNDER STATEMENT!.

        A friend And I have built one! It's a fairly simple neon sign,
spark gap based coil. Pretty straight forward construction. Only I've yet to
get it in tune. I've tried different discharge terminals and now I've
settled upon a 1.5" brass doorknob sitting directly upon the top of the 3.5"
coil form there is still too much corona around the top most coil windings.
I'm presently getting about 5-6'' discharge streams and occasional
inter-winding arcs on the secondary. I'll be sealing the secondary once I'm
pretty close to TUNE. Greg (another) had written an article about terminal
experiments which was very helpful only this THING still isn't responding. I
changed the RF choke that comes with the kit since it truly sucked.
Installed a high voltage 2.5 mh RF choke with a big improvement. I'm running
6.2 turns # 12 awg stranded wire for the primary simply coiled & wrapped
with tape. It's about 6" in Dia. Also a .005 uf primary cap. 6kv neon Xformer. 
>        My question has to do with the top discharge tower specs for a
small 12" coil on 3.5" form. I was wanting to place the discharge terminal
as far from the top of the coil as possible with some 6-8" glass insulator
and then attach an aluminum
>or brass foil covered  sphere like a kids play ball for the terminal.  How
will this effect the final capacitance values?  And has anyone else had
dealings with this coil?  Has anyone else done the math concerning Info.
Unlimited coil to see if you really can get "10" - 12" streamers" as they say.
>ALSO,, what about this primary winding direction, matching the same coil
winding direction as the secondary I haven't seen a difference. And I've
tried it both ways. 
>        Last time I built a coil was in Junior High for a science fair over
twenty years ago. Glass plate caps and neon sign Xformers. What a rush.  Now
we're talking solid state and 555 chips and HV SCR's. I want to get this
coil tuned and hammered out so I can move on to the more exotic so any help
will be appreciated. 
Thanks for your help in advance, and it's good being a part of it.