
Re: Lindsey Publications

From: 	Rick Holland[SMTP:rickh-at-ghg-dot-net]
Reply To: 	rickh-at-ghg-dot-net
Sent: 	Friday, November 21, 1997 2:17 AM
To: 	Tesla List
Subject: 	Re: Lindsey Publications

It seems that in my previous post, I used some terms that might have
indicated one person in particular. Fr. Tom used the term "rip-off" in a
post related to the one I was answering. I was not addressing Fr. Tom's
post, nor do I disagree with what he said. My statement was worded in
order to state my belief without laying blame. My choice of words was
unfortunate, but not directed at anyone who actually used the term
"rip-off". I apologize to the list and to Fr. Tom for this

	Rick Holland

	The Answer is 42.