
Re: calculating capacitance

From: 	Sulaiman Abdullah[SMTP:sulabd-at-hotmail-dot-com]
Sent: 	Monday, November 17, 1997 11:41 AM
To: 	tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
Subject: 	Re: calculating capacitance

>Subject: 	calculating capacitance
>if you know the type and dimentions of the plates or amount of salt or 
copper solute and everything about the dielectric ie. constant thickness 
lossage etc then how would you calculate the capacitance?
The concentration of the solution should not affect the capacitance,
it will appear as a resistive loss in series with the capacitor,
so the better conducting the liquid is the better the capacitor is.

The dielectric loss of the insulator also has no effect on the 
capacitance, it appears as a resistive loss also,

Less loss = better.

Capacitance=(permitivity x area of plates)/(distance between plates)

C(nF)= 8.854 x (relative permitivity) x area / distance

area in sq. meters, distance in milimeters

e.g. Polyethylene relative permitivity approx. 2.2