
Re: Ballast for pole pigs or potential transformers.

From: 	esmit-at-ilink.nis.za[SMTP:esmit-at-ilink.nis.za]
Sent: 	Monday, November 17, 1997 3:25 AM
To: 	tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
Subject: 	Ballast for pole pigs or potential transformers.

don't speak to technically, i am new to this stuff, PLEASE?


I have read that when you buy a pole pig or potential transformer and want
to run it on a Tesla coil you should use inductive ballasting or resistance

Will you answer some questions for me?
 * How do you know if a transformer isn't current limited?
 * What does an inductive ballast and resistive ballast do?
 * What is an inductive ballast(i know it is an arc welder, but is that the
machine that you use to meld iron to each other?) 
 * I probably wont use my fathers arc welder(if it's what i think it is)
because    it might be actually blow up or something, what else can i do?
 * What is the difference between a pole pig and a potential transformer?
