
Re: T-coil discharge

From: 	Benson_Barry%PAX5-at-mr.nawcad.navy.mil[SMTP:Benson_Barry%PAX5-at-mr.nawcad.navy.mil]
Sent: 	Saturday, November 15, 1997 6:02 PM
To: 	tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
Subject: 	Re: T-coil discharge

HI All,
     I have produced these interisting discharges on a
toroid in the following way.  I used a 24 electrode variable
speed rotary gap.  As I increase the speed the discharges
become longer and fewer to a point.  Then they start
becoming shorter and thicker.  At this point the discharge
coalesces on the top of the toroid as a single writhing
rope like discharge with small forks at the tip.  As I increased
the rotary speed the discharge broke up into many small
spike like streamers.  I also noted a resonance effect
associated with the rotary speed set to the writhing
discharge mode.  The image on the screen of a camera
plugged into the same supply line as the coil stopped
jittering and being noisy.  It became absolutely still.
I believe that the break frequency was some higher
harmonic of the 60 Hz line frequency.


From: "tesla"-at-pupman-dot-com-at-PMDF-at-PAXMB1
To: Benson Barry; "tesla"-at-poodle.pupman-dot-com-at-PMDF-at-PAXMB1
Subject: Re: T-coil discharge
Date: Thursday, November 13, 1997 10:58PM

From:     Esondrmn-at-aol-dot-com [SMTP:Esondrmn-at-aol-dot-com]
Sent:     Thursday, November 13, 1997 1:25 PM
To:  tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
Subject:  Re: T-coil discharge

In a message dated 97-11-13 09:05:00 EST, you write:

<< Kevin---

 I read with interest, your description of the discharge from your coil
 sometimes forming a long slowly moving single tendril.  I once built
 a small coil (back about 1962) that used a 9 KV 30 ma. neon xformer
 with two 0.01 mfd 8 KV mica caps in series connection with a 6 segment
 stationary series gap.  The Tesla primary was 12 gauge wire in the


I have not seen this on either of my coils when using a toroid for the
discharge terminal.  I have set a 6" dia aluminum foil covered styrofoam 
on the center of the toroid on the small 3.5" dia coil.  It sits up about 3"
on a metal support right in the center of the toroid.  When first powered 
the discharges will wander around on the ball but after maybe 10 to 15
seconds will finally start going straight up for maybe 16 to 18 inches with
only short branches at the top.  It is interesting to watch.  I think the
rising heat and no air movement (running in the basement) has something to 
with it.  I would like to see this on my large coil - something that can put
out 5 to 6 foot discharges, but I can only run that coil outside and have 
tried it.

Ed Sonderman