New sparkgap
From: Richard[SMTP:esmit-at-ilink.nis.za]
Sent: Thursday, June 26, 1997 3:05 AM
To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
Subject: New sparkgap
Hi, there
Well, last night my brain had worked overtime and I might have found two
sorts of sparkgaps that will work.
Here it comes!
In figure 1 you have the same sort of spark gap as Richard Quick's. The only
thing that is differant is it has a center electrode and one on the normal
pipe electrodes. The center electrode is made so that it can turn around 360
, thereby you can change the length of your sparkgap that the spark should jump.
The center electrode works almost like a meters needle.
In figure 2 you have a sheet of say thick piece of polyethylene or something
that will withstand heat and is flexible. You make a cylinder of it and
mount the electrodes(cuper pipe) so that they touch each other. You have to
screw the pipes against the sheet or make it in any manner fast so that it
sits tight.
If you want to change the sparkgap all you have to do is make the cylinder
diameter bigger. When you make the diameter bigger with the help of that
extra piece of sheet you see in fig.2 your electrodes will move away from
each other, so I think it is a wonderful sparkgap because you can change the
distance between electrode.
I really hope that anyone of you will send me some suggestions and hope that
someone out there try my ideas and report it back to the list.
See yah!
Happy sparking!
|Richard Smit | Telephone: +27-525-32634 |
|P.O.Box 566 | Email: esmit-at-ilink.nis.za |
|Bultfontein | Age: 17 years old |
|9670 | Hobbies: Tesla Coils; Computors; Paranormal; UFO's |
|South Africa | Birthday: 5 October 1979 |