Re: 60 vs. 30 ma
From: Peter Electric[SMTP:elekessy-at-macquarie.matra-dot-com.au]
Sent: Monday, June 23, 1997 2:57 AM
To: Tesla List
Subject: Re: 60 vs. 30 ma
> You can make all the current in the world available to a capacitor
> and it is NOT going to charge any faster! To make a capacitor charge
> faster you have to increase the applied voltage! Try and remember the
> old analogies to clearify; current is the quantity of electrons and
> voltage is the pressure the electrons are under. How any electrons
> you have available wont effect how fast a capacitor charges, but the
> amount of pressure (voltage) they are under will! If you keep the
> applied voltage the same but double the available current, you will
> have to double the capacitance to use that available current.
> Sincerely
> \\\|///
> \\ ~ ~ //
> ( -at- -at- )
> -----o00o-(_)-o00o-----
> Alfred A. Skrocki
> alfred.skrocki-at-cybernetworking-dot-com
> .ooo0 0ooo.
> -----( )---( )-----
> \ ( ) /
> \_) (_/
I would agree with you if the Voltage source had zero impedance but in
the case of a NST you basicaly have a voltage source with resistance in
series. In this case the rise time of the Cap voltage is definately
related to the size of this resistance. In fact this effect is quite
obvious on my coil when I remove one of the 30mA trannies. The gap
sparks at about half the frequency.
Luckily this resistance is not as great as the resistance of the wife to
me buying TC parts!
Peter E.