
Re: Conditions for opt. loading, was: In vs. Out

From: 	FutureT-at-aol-dot-com[SMTP:FutureT-at-aol-dot-com]
Sent: 	Thursday, July 31, 1997 3:40 AM
To: 	tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
Subject: 	Re: Conditions for opt. loading, was: In vs. Out

> I've found that it is critical to hit the "right" spark impedance for 
> optimal loading to occur. This occurs (at least at modest k values) 
>with an attached streamer that is the longest it can get before 
> detaching. Using shorter attached sparks than the coil can produce 
> does produce a mismatch. If you move a ground rod up to a running 
>coil, the optimal length is easy to see in a dimmer gap discharge. 
> Moving the rod closer than this brightens the gap up again.
>     I could write a book on it. Perhaps the best way is to try it 
> single shot, then try it for the running coil. The lengths are 
> different as you have energy stored in the discharge channel/ion 
> cloud for the repetitive situation and I've found under this 
> condition, optimal loading occurs with longer sparks than sshot.
>     It is kind of difficult to elaborate further without giving an 
>actual demonstration (which I would dearly love to be able to do).
> Malcolm

Malcolm, All,

Thanks,  I see exactly what you're saying now...  Have you compared
the quenching ability of twin coil with that of a regular coil?  I suspect
(based on Robert Steven's results) that a twin coil may give a more
optimal loading.  Maybe even a triple or quadruple coil would be better
as far as optimal loading, but probably not for spark length.


John Freau