
Re: Winding directions

From: 	mikey1[SMTP:mikey1-at-gladstone.uoregon.edu]
Sent: 	Monday, July 14, 1997 11:09 PM
To: 	Tesla List
Subject: 	Re: Winding directions

Thanks for the (albeit slightly different) responses.  I guess that
maybe I should wind in the same direction just to be sure?  I will
likely build a magnifier sometime anyhow, and who knows what component
I'll swap in with it.  Maybe keeping to a constant direction would
simplify things a bit.  BTW, I haven't seen a thread relating to winding
directions in the archives searches I've done over the last few weeks,
(MUCH gratitude to RQ), but I will keep an eye out for it.  Mike Rusher.

> >Greetings,
> >
> >I have a question which I am hoping can be answered.  Specifically, does
> >it matter whether or not the winding directions in the primary and
> >secondary of a 1/4 wave TC are the same?  Thanks for any input on this.
> >Mike.
> >--
> >-----Pithy statements available for a nominal fee-----
> Mike,
> >
> >This is one of the most common questions asked over and over again and
> answered over and over again on this list.
> On a two coil 1/4 wave system the direction is of no concern whatsoever!
> Richard Hull, TCBOR
> >
> >

 >Most coil builders try to wind both pri and sec coils in the same
>direction.  This is not really necessary until you are constructing a
>"magnifier" type coil in which the "driver" pri & sec coils are very
>tightly coupled with a k of 0.3 or greater.  As a rule of thumb try to
>match your primary direction to the same winding direction as the sec.
>inductor.  If you get confused just look at both coils from a "birds-eye
>view" and this will help out..\

>Hope this helps.


-----Pithy statements available for a nominal fee-----