Re: Case ground.
>There are a few reasons to tie the case to at least the RF ground:
>Since large Electrostatic fields are present betweent the toroid and its
>surroundings, the primary needs to have a path to ground to prevent
>electrostatic induction from inducing high ES voltages (to ground) on
>the entire primary. Grounding the neon case "bleeds" this off.
>A pair of safety gaps should be used from each neon HV leg to the case
>ground (and RF ground). This serves two purposes: it reduces overvolting
>the neon's outputs, AND it provides a low-impedance path the the RF
>ground in case you take a "hit" from the toroid to the primary. This
>protects EACH leg, and prevents an RF flashover that otherwise would
>find ground through your neon's secondary to the 120 VAC side... not a
>good thing!
>There's a belief that grounding the case reduced RFI, but I'm not aware
>of any actual before-after measurements. The first two above should be
>reason enough...
>Safe coilin' to you!
>-- Bert --
I again am having trouble with noise, I was showing my neighbor a new laser
I just got and he said he could hear my coil running LOUD over his phone
conversation. I have filters inline now, what else can I do? I put some
chokes on the HV outputs of my neon and the coil stoped sparking. Why?? I
also have a excelent rf ground, would this be a good time to pull the Neon
case to the RF gound? My filter system is well grounded (The case) to the
house ground as recomended by manufacturer. Any tips or hints, a faraday
cage is out the question, I now have a coil, 2 lasers (Very big) and my
other electronic junk in my play room, no room, money, or time to construct
a cage.
Anything I overlook?
Thanks in advance!
Kevin Nardelle
* T E S L A C O I L S *
Kevin Nardelle knardell-at-accesscom-dot-net
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related with lotsa pictures and links.
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