
Re: Case ground.

>You're providing more clues in each post...

>> I have my caps across the neon outputs and two dinky series gaps on
>> each HV line to the primary. I am getting results with this  
>> configuration but as everyone has told me I will blow my neon. WHat is >
going to blow it, the caps are not a dead short, when I move to the 
>> traditional method of putting the caps in series on one sire and the 
>> gaps on the other I get zero results and the gap glows with a orange 
>> flame arc.
>If you're only getting a flaming arc, then there's a problem with the
>hookup. You want the gaps connected across the transformer output, and
>the caps connected in series with the Tesla Coil primary. The series
>combination of the primary and tank caps should then be connected across
>the gap. From the description above, and the behavior of your gaps, this
>does _not_ sound like the configuration you used.
>Make sure you're actually connected in the following manner and try
>again. This configuration works very well once you've got it properly
>connected. When the gaps fire, they shunt high power RF away from the
>neon's outputs. This extends transformer life as well as cutting down on
>                SW
>     -----------||------
>          |    Caps     O
>          o             O
>   To     o GAPS        O   TC
>  Neon    o             O Primary
>   HV     |             O 
> Outputs  |             O 
>     -------------------      
>Safe coilin' to you!
>-- Bert --

Thanks for the help. Ok, I have gone through this same thing with Mike
Hammer several times and we both thought there may be a wiring error but
that is false, I tried it again and yes, it was the same as your diagram.
Mike's was also the same and I have tried it several times, I still say it
is just my rotten luck. Anyway, I wonder if ti may have something to do with
the fact that my caps are the saltwater type, however Mike also told me and
I know it is true, Tesla used these caps in the springs.
So it really can't be. They measure .006uf total.
Again, I will try tomorrow. Note the post I made tonight about my gaps and
the 7" sphere (brass(something I found at the scrap yard for 2 bucks)).

                                            Kevin Nardelle

   * T   E   S   L   A      C   O   I   L   S *
Kevin Nardelle   knardell-at-accesscom-dot-net
My main web page IS UP all TESLA
related with lotsa pictures and links.
Non related sites I have
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