
Re: Coiling Programs?

From: 	Mad Coiler[SMTP:tesla_coiler-at-hotmail-dot-com]
Sent: 	Tuesday, August 05, 1997 12:03 PM
To: 	tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
Subject: 	Coiling Programs?


   I am starting on a new TC design and was wondering if there are any 
free programs out there to assist me. I have downloaded wintesla (thanks 
to R.Coppersmith if memory serves) it is a very good program but I was 
hopping there were some computer programs that would do a little more, 
like calculate estimated spark length, and allow for variables like 
angled primary.  Does anyone know were there are any free? College 
students like myself can't afford much :)
   Ohterwise I might consider paying a little for something. Is there 
any good books, all the ones I have read from libraries haven't told me 
anything that I didn't already know, in fact several things have been 
wrong compared to the general opinoin on the list.

I would very much appreciate any assistance.

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