
Short Notice Book Possibility: New England

        Short Notice Book Possibility: New England
        Thu, 3 Apr 97 18:00:12 EST

Sorry to trouble the rest of the lists, but....

Rainy Day Books, Fitzwilliam, NH (Rt 12 & Rt 129?  Fitzwilliam is small
& they are JUST east of the center) IS having a 35% off/25% off sale.

This is of interest to the list, as Rainy Day has a LARGE collection
of Used Techno books.  Sale thru thru Sunday.  One i noticed was
(roughly) Electical Discahrges in Gasses & this was quasi current.
(say 1970ish....)

I;ll dig out a proper address & phone later, as they may be worth a
call for technobooks.

I looked for that 'power electronics' title discussed a month or so
ago, but did not see it...
