
Re: Broadcast Capacitors

           Re: Broadcast Capacitors
           Thu, 03 Apr 1997 05:41:02 EST
           wb8jkr-at-juno-dot-com (Mark S Graalman)

On Wed, 02 Apr 1997 07:09:08 -0600 Tesla List <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com> writes:
>            Re: Broadcast Capacitors
>       Date: 
>            Wed, 2 Apr 1997 10:26:32 +1200
>       From: 
>            "Malcolm Watts" <MALCOLM-at-directorate.wnp.ac.nz>
>            Wellington Polytechnic, NZ
>         To: 
>            tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
>Mark, Robert et al,
>                     Thanks for the input on the caps.....
>> These sound like mica capacitors and will work extremely well in the 
>> tank circuit of a vac tube T.C. as well as RF bypass for the plate 
>> transformer.  They can also be used for the system cap in disruptive 
>> discharge T.C.'s if you series parallel a whole whack of them.  I 
>> this.  I took 30 units of 0.002 mfd -at-12,500 volt peak  broadcast 
>> micas and arranged them in three groups of ten paralleled in series. 
>> The net result is about 0.007 mfd at 37,500 peak and is employed in 
>> my highly successful STC system using a single 15 k -at- 60 Ma neon.
>> I've achieved straight line discharges to 52 inches with this coil. 
>> If these are cheap enough, BUY THEM!!!!
>> Cheers,
>> rwstephens
>You're going to hate me but I was actually given them. There must be 
>around 30 or so of about 5 different values in the carton.
>Regards all,

     Face it guys, we must not be liv'in right.............

                Mark Graalman