
Re: Tuning Problem & synergistics

[big snip]
>Synergistic refers to a manner of working, 
>or in this case, tuning or balancing a system so that all of the 
>component parts are performing as one.
>Richard Hull, TCBOR

[trapper's reply]
>Sorry, but you're delivering an incorrect definition here, I believe. From
>the American Heritage dictionary:
>"The action of two or more substances, organs, or organisms to achieve an
>effect of which each is individually incapable." [NLat *synergismus* <Gk
>*sunergos*, working together: *sun-*, with + *ergon*, work]
>The concepts you are discussing are no less valid; but based on your
>definition of parameters you should use a term other than synergy in order
>to get a clear communication.

Hmmm...not to beat this to death (maybe just a bit), but your definition seems
to match Richard's pretty closely.  Granted we are not dealing with
"substances, organs, or organisms" exactly, but the concept is the same.  I'll
butt out now :)

Charles Brush