
Re: Solid-state tesla circuit

Alan Sharp wrote:

>My present design is push / pull 
>uc3825 driving a pair of 4422 buffers to 3 * irf740 on each side.
>Current limiting monitored across a 0.05 ohm resistor - this creates
>weird feedbacks - I work around it but its something I must sort out
>in the Mark 2. driver is switched on off at about 60 Hz by a 555.
>(needs refined)

Do you have your circuit schematic posted at nic.funet.fi in the 
tesla directory? And does Mark Barton possibly have his circuit 
schematic available too? I'm an electronics experimentor, so I would 
like to see your shematic if possible since I'm unfamiliar with some 
of your terminology.

Also, you mentioned that Rob 
had a "driver.gif" and "driver.doc" at "the ftp site"--are you 
referring to the nic.funet.fi archives like Chip mentioned in a 
message posted recently about these documents? If so, which specific 
directory are they located in within the /pub/sci/electrical/tesla 
directory? Thanks much--
