Re: Power Arcing
At 10:25 PM 9/29/96 -0600, Bert Hickman wrote:
[snip a big section talking about induced rf eating his spark gap motor]
>I'm also concerned about the RF energy coupling into the aluminum
>siding, window frames, and guttering, and plan to make sure that these
>are adequately grounded to AC ground. It looks like any length of wire
>or cable in the room with the coil will also pick up a goodly amount of
>induced RF from the coil AND the sparks.
>What are some of the techniques used by the more experienced coilers to
>control these?? I'm concerned about boosting power (especially with a
>pig) until I get this situation under control! Thanks in advance!
>Safe coilin' to ya!
>-- Bert --
Bert, before you joined the list, I posted a message relating how the brass
weather-stripping which goes around the door leading from my house into the
garage picked up enough rf to actually char the lower corner completely off
the door! It was a blessing I did not have a fire which might have burned
my house down. Your concern about induced currents in window frames, etc.
is very justified!
To protect my motor, I have placed bypass caps and varistors across the
bridge rectifier which powers the d.c. motor. You may very well have to use
a shielded wire to the motor to stop the rf pickup. Most of us do not have
this particular problem, but if your wire happens to be of a length which
forms a resonant line at your coil's frequency, lots of unwanted voltage and
current can develop. Running your motor wire through a length of 1/2 inch
steel conduit, well grounded, will most likely solve your problem.
Safe coiling!
Bert Pool