Re: Home brew capacitor
Tesla List wrote:
> >From ed-at-alumni.caltech.eduMon Oct 7 22:11:35 1996
> Date: Mon, 7 Oct 1996 19:22:12 -0700 (PDT)
> From: "Edward V. Phillips" <ed-at-alumni.caltech.edu>
> To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
> Subject: Re: Home brew capacitor
> e: Plexiglass/perspex and transformer oil
> I've had a large variable capacitor (about 0.005 ufd max)
> encased in a 20"x20"x20" plexiglass tank, full of Wemco C transformer
> oil, for about 25 years. The plexiglass is 5/16" thick, with edges
> joined with screws and sealed with rubber gaskets. I didn't make
> the thing, and it must have taken the patience of Job to get it all
> fitted together, but bottom line is that there is no evidence of
> deterioration of the plexiglass, except perhaps some yellowing. There
> is a small amount of seepage, particularly around the top, but wiping
> if off with a paper towel once or twice a year keeps that under control.
> Of course, if the tank were deeper there would probably be a
> severe problem with hydrostatic pressure and bulging of the sides, but
> at this size it seems to handle the loads surprisingly well.
> For what it's worth,
> Ed
Yeah, OK... but will it make it to 26? :^)
Seriously, it sounds like Plexiglas/Perspex and transformer oil are
_probably_ a compatable mix from this and other anecdotal evidence. It
certainly sounds like Laird's Plastics catalog is overly pessimistic!
-- Bert --